November 21/23/25: Marissa Wong
Photo: Luc Roderique
Class Description:
This is a Contemporary Ballet class. Approached in a meditative way, this ballet class is a practice. Technique will be used as a foundation to research pleasure and flow. Think indulgent port de bras, quick tendus, traveling centre combinations, and the occasional pop song. Class will consist of barre and centre work. Pointe shoes are welcome for any portion of the class.
Marissa Wong is a Chinese-Canadian dance artist who has the privilege to create, play and share on the unceded Coast Salish territories. She is the Artistic Director for The Falling Company and her engagement in the Vancouver dance community demonstrates her capability to educate, produce, perform, and host works. Marissa strives to change the systemic structure in dance through the facilitation of inclusive and sustainable arts spaces. She is invested in continuous learning and growth, and her work reflects her observations of the human experience.