October 31/Nov 2/4: Carolyn Schmidt
Photo: Dayna Szyndrowski
Class Description:
This class invites you to explore and nourish your instrument from the inside out. Working within the framework of a contemporary dance class, we will explore both structured and loosely-structured exercises that will wake up our proprioception and imagination, fire up our muscles, find length in our tissues and explore the space around us and within us.
I currently enjoy drawing from elements of classic modern + contemporary dance techniques, Countertechnique, functional movement, Fascial stretching, mind/body awareness and improvisation. Most importantly, this class invites you to have fun, take up space and express your own authentic movement!
Carolyn Schmidt has been a teacher of dance and movement for 15 years, and a student of movement for life! Carolyn has taught for many studios and programs around the Vancouver metro area and on Vancouver Island, working with young children to professional dancers. Carolyn studied at The Ailey School in New York City and has been blessed to receive teachings from many prominent figures in the Modern and Contemporary dance world. Carolyn was active in performing, teaching and creating work in Vancouver from about 2010-2019, then the world shut down, she started a business and had a baby!
These past 2 years Carolyn has been nourishing her practice as a Stretch Therapist and breathwork facilitator, and of course being a mother. Carolyn is stoked to be back in the studio with a fresh outlook on dance and movement as a tool for healing and human connection.