Photo: Bao
Cover Photo: Bryony McCoughey
Class Description:
Floorworkshops provide a space for us to investigate how to use the principles of momentum and counter-direction to safely and efficiently pour weight into the floor. We will research how to fold and position our bodies to roll, slide, spill and sweep through space.
We will use developmental movement pathways to become more comfortable with gravity, and we will embrace the bumps and clunks that occur along the way.
Calder White pulls heavily from his training in Limón, Bartenieff Fundamentals, Countertechnique, and Cunningham to inform his teachings of weight, fall and suspension, and compartmentalization of the body. Training and performing with Shay Kuebler since the summer of 2017, he brings Shay’s ideas surrounding floorwork into the studio and focuses on foundational movements/drills originating in break dance and martial arts to facilitate healthy relationships with gravity.
Calder is a company member with Shay Kuebler/Radical System Art and Peggy Baker Dance Projects.