February 6/8/10: Jeanette Kotowich
Both Photos: Yvonne Chew
Class Description:
Movement Offerings with Jeanette Kotowich
We gather for this workshop to connect with embodied practices related to Jeanette's research in Métis & Nêhiyaw Cosmology that bridge movement expressions into contemporary dance and performance practices. This is an experiential movement workshop, sharing Indigenous cultural perspectives and contemporary dance approaches. Bring your courageous hearts as we intentionally explore specific values to nourish our practices. Together we will stoke our creative fires with compassion, kindness, bravery & joy.
All My Relations | ᑲᐦᑭᔭᐤ ᓂᐚᐦᑰᒫᑲᓂᑎᐠ
Jeanette has been stewarding Métis dance practices and facilitating ‘Joy of Jigging’ since 2016. In 2019, she began facilitating ‘Movement Offerings’ from her Indigenous contemporary curiosities and expressions.
She has facilitated professional artists and in the wider community. She has offered workshops with New to Town Collective, The Dance Centre, 605 Winter intensive, Raven Spirit Dance,Neighbourhood Dance in Newfoundland, and with LINK at Out Innerspace.