November 28/30/Dec 2: Jenna Berlyn
Photo: Chris Randle
Cover Photo: Self Portrait
Class Description:
In this class we will do some cardio, play some games, do some contemporary dance moves that go in and out of the floor, some tricks and some combinations to fun music. We will go upside down and all around. We will strive to be agile, smooth and curious. We will take up space moving through the room, and we will feel our hearts beating and our muscles working.
Jenna Berlyn is a contemporary dance artist and choreographer currently based in Berlin, Germany. She is a graduate of Modus Operandi Contemporary Dance Program and has travelled across Canada, Europe and to Mexico to complete further training. As a freelance artist, she has performed in works by Paras Terezakis/Kinesis Dance Somatheatro, Chaos Emblematic, Sintija Žīgure, Daisy Thompson, Jennifer Mcleish-Lewis, and Caldonia Walton. Jenna is a co-founder of the collective Okams Racer.