December 12/14/16: Julia Carr
Photo: David Cooper
Class Description:
Julia’s classes offer the opportunity to tune into body sensations as well as to activate a communal space.
Dancing mostly to music, we will condition our bodies to be ready. Ready to invert, move, yield, deliver weight, and respond to the moment.
Julia began assistant teaching at Arts Umbrella in the mid-1990s, and taught her first contemporary dance classes in a room above the curling rink in Wolfville, NS in 1999. In 2008, she began developing and borrowing exercises to support the pre-professional dance training of Dancestreams youth company members on Vancouver Island.
Julia Carr is an artist who braids together a livelihood as dancer, collaborative creator, educator and photographer. She has facilitated classes & workshops for professionals, students, and people of all ages in communities across the province, nation and a couple of times in Australia too.