Touch Me Hold Me Let Me Go is
an algorithm for dancing with the planet
an algorithm for dancing with your beloved
an algorithm for dancing from enough-ness
It is a lecture, a poem, a sing-along.
A workshop, a recital, a dance-party.
In this multi-media lecture-performance, Lee Su-Feh talks about this algorithm, teaches it, performs it. Along the way, the audience is invited (but not coerced!) into an immersive ritual of breathing, listening, moving, singing together. In this iteration of the work, Su-Feh will be accompanied live by musician Sasha Langford and lighting designer Andie Lloyd.
This will be followed by Bracken Hanuse Corlett and Dean Hunt playing as See Monsters, an audio-visual duo that fuses together Northwest Coast bass music, remix, moving images, and transformative spaces. (Bracken and Dean carved the mask that was the catalyst for this work.)
It’s a once-in-a-lifetime Touch Me Hold Me Let Me Go dance party!
This performance takes place in the round and has limited capacity.